About Us
Project Together
An Initiative by
Dr. Samra Sultana
Together we can make this world a better place to live, we give training and employment to dozens of young girls and women to enhance and polish their skills and even learn new skills to earn their library and make a difference in the society.
Our version is aligned with the principle of women, empowerment and upliftment of the society and make people believe in humanity, kindness, care, and philanthropy.
The Project Together
What else can be better and long lasting than the things which are made by manpower itself. There are many women out there for whom hard work is not an option it is a necessity for their living. The project together provides the opportunity to all the middle as well as lower class women who are willing to earn from their skill and build economic stronghold. Basically, The project together pays attention towards the fair trade of had embroidered products.
We collaborate with more than ten thousands of crochet women artists for their empowerment. We offer customers the incredible variety of different and vibrant handmade crochet pieces which are ethical and sustainable as well which prevents from the bad ecological footprint. Apart from this, 30% of the profit earned from selling of each product, goes into the education sector, healthcare and the hunger project as the hunger index of 2022 has fall down drastically.

Our Mission
The mission of the project together is perhaps a little different. The focal point is the women empowerment as well as welfare of the society. We want to offer the opportunity to earn as much as women possible, who are searching for a source for living. And the 30% of the profit earned from the selling of each product will be donated in the education sector, healthcare and in the hunger project.
Our Vision
The vision of the project together is to break the stereotype that women are oppressed by veils and are incapable of accomplishing their dreams. The aim is to work for the advancement of the society and to stand up the social concerns affecting the women and brings up the lack of educational opportunities for women in India.